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March 16 Photography Study

I realized that I put the wrong link--this is my old blog. Here is the link to the new one.

Testing Begins For A Coronavirus Vaccine

Hope beings to bloom, finally, after weeks of panic, as science magazines and publications all over the internet report on new COVID-19...

Plan For The Future While Staying Home

Make use of your time stuck inside due to COVID-19—and make a little cash for the future.

Consistency Amidst Coronavirus Isolation

To fight boredom during coronavirus isolating, I created a two week challenge to keep myself busy!

Writing: How To Appeal To A Student Population

Student newspapers today face perhaps now one of their biggest problems quite often: attracting interest. More often than not, issues of...

Super Tuesday: Reflections On Predictions

Even before Super Tuesday results began to roll in, news sites across the web posted articles upon articles evaluating past nomination...

Coronavirus Closing Schools

Above: Schools Should Prepare for Coronavirus Outbreaks, CDC Officials Warn. Photo by J. Scott Applewhite. News outlets everywhere have...

Texture And Apparel

Pictures shown: 1 and 2 depict outfit from Carnival in the Spanish Canary Islands and Venice, Italy, respectably. 3 and 4 show looks from...

Will Snow Reach Apex?

A major topic on local news outlets this week is whether or not snow will reach North Carolina. The News&Observer reported on North...

The New Hampshire Primaries

The New Hampshire Primaries occurred on February 11th, and every major news site seemed to have some type of article on the topic. CNN...

Elections and Technology

(originally published February 4th, 2020, republished for organization purposes) The Iowa Caucus debacle has brought an onslaught of news...

Fire and Conflicts

Protests, clashes, conflicts, and fire seem to be a common theme in this week's news photography. First, conflicts appear between...

Browns and Grays

(Written Feb 4th, 2020, reposted for organization purposes) A recurring trend in the news this week is pictures with browns and grays....

Emojis: A Useful Addition To Language

They litter the internet, riddle group chats, and even fill headlines, for certain lower-caliber click bait news sites (ahem, BuzzFeed):...

New Grammar Rules

Many tend to think of grammar as a stationary, never-changing tool that endures for decades, outdated or not. However, the exact inverse...

Grammar and Marketing

The many grammar rules of formal writing have been ingrained in us since our single digits. In first grade, we learned how to write...

Grammar Watchdogs

Grammar Nazi. Overzealous English professed. Stuck-up nerd. All of these are things that describe a type of person all of society seems...

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©2019 by Daniela Paris.

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